Inder Pal Singh Sethi
I P S Sethi is providing ICT and e-Governance enablement to several state governments and ministries in Government of India. He has handled large projects particularly developing analytical dashboards such as (i) PRAYAS dashboard for PMO wherein 80+ schemes are onboarded with data flow through APIs; (ii) Digital Payment Dashboard for monitoring cashless transactions in the country after demonetisation in November 2016, with daily data coming from 110+ banks; (iii) eTaal for monitoring of e-transactions happening through various e-Governance projects across the country with 3900+ e-Services integrated on portal; and, (iv) DARPAN Dashboard for monitoring of vital schemes and programmes by Chief Ministers, Chief Secretary, District Magistrates/Collectors and senior officials. It was under his guidance that Community Information Centres (CICs) were set up in 555 blocks of North Eastern states – today known as Common Service Centres.

Deputy Director General, National Informatics Centre