The finely honed process with in built checks and balances is the biggest differentiator for SKOCH Award:
Exhaustive Documentation
Nominees fill in exhaustive documentation to support their achievements. The biggest purpose that this documentation serves is the creating of a knowledge repository on what changed and how. This then can also serve as an institutional memory.

Extensive Scrutiny
Each nomination goes through extensive scrutiny and checks for completion and veracity.
Participatory Process
The process takes into account views of people who benefit from such projects, peers who are working on similar projects, and several domain experts from across the country.
Our Experts
We draw our jury from domain experts who have spent decades in their areas of specialisation, and they invest time in a face-to-face evaluation of each short-listed nomination. This takes a humongous effort that spreads over multiple sessions and days. The jury evaluation is telecast live.

Instituted in 2003, SKOCH Award salutes people, projects and institutions that go the extra mile to make India a better nation. SKOCH Award winners include the mighty and the ordinary alike. They receive this Award for their extraordinary achievements in contributing to the society. The Roll of Honour of the SKOCH Award over the years is a testimony to this. Our Awardees value SKOCH Award as the highest civilian honour in the country conferred by an independent organisation.
The SKOCH Award covers the best of efforts in digital, financial and social inclusion. It encompasses the best of governance, inclusive growth, excellence in technology and applications, change management, corporate leadership, corporate governance, citizen services delivery, capacity building, empowerment and other such softer issues that get normally lost in the glamour and the glitz of industry sponsored or advertising focused jamborees.
SKOCH Award not only acknowledges exceptional achievers—organisations and individuals—but also spurs inspirational guidance and motivational leadership.
Benchmark of Excellence
The most useful outcome of the SKOCH Assessment process is that it gives a benchmark that compares performance across sectors. The flagship benchmark for governance is the annual SKOCH State of Governance Report that is considered the gold standard in outcome measurement.