“Help Ever, Hurt Never” is the motto of the South Bengal State Transport Corporation, which is striving to be the best STU in the country. For this, it is carrying out complete process re-engineering and change management and is dealing positively with the burden of legacy. Training, sensitisation and regular meetings with the shopfloor workforce and the front field level staff and crew is being given utmost focus. Towards this, SBSTC has developed an Integrated Transport Management System (ITMS) that has modules like Traffic Management, Inventory Management, Budget and Accounts. The modules like Pay Roll and HRMS are in pipeline. This will ensure nearly paperless activities and online real-time monitoring of the entire operation. There will be a net addition of 80-buses every year to provide improved services to the public at large. It is one of the missions of SBSTC to reduce the consumption of conventional fuel phase-wise. The corporation is continually expanding its operations to cover remote areas and has a current strength of 932 buses, which is targeted to increase to 1,368 by 2025 in accordance with its Vision 2025 document.
L to R: Sameer Kochhar, Chairman, SKOCH Group; Rajesh Kumar Sinha, IAS, Principal Secretary, Transport Department, West Bengal