SKOCH Star of Governance Award

West Bengal

Skill Development

SKOCH Star of Governance Award

Government of West Bengal

Skill Development

Mr. Subrata Das, Deputy Director, Industrial Training, Technical Education, Training and Skill Development, Government of West Bengal

New Delhi, 18th June 2022

During the pandemic, Polytechnic students of West Bengal State Council of Technical and Vocational Education and Skill Development had to adapt to learn-from-home and also learn to take exams remotely. The administration decided to introduce Online Proctored Evaluations for semester exams and conducted capacity-building workshops for faculty, students and other stakeholders. The new system allowed continuity of education and examinations while observing Covid protocols.

L to R: Sameer Kochhar, Chairman, SKOCH Group; Mr. Subrata Das, Deputy Director, Industrial Training, Technical Education, Training and Skill Development, Government of West Bengal

Additionally, the Department developed an e-Learning portal for maintaining

continuity of education for students during the pandemic. In collaboration with

Google, the holistic ‘Model from Home’ strategy was implemented to guarantee student welfare, encouraging them to develop creative charts and models. It led to institutional preparedness that helped over 3 lakh students from e-Learning in Technical and Vocational education. 4,676 models and 776 charts have been prepared by students. Despite lockdown, students got a chance for Virtual Industry Visits to gain industry experience.

E-Governance application of Government Polytechnics ( was launched in 2020. This is a one-stop-solution for a one-stop-place for citizens, students, faculty and administration to find relevant information about Polytechnic Colleges in the state. It has a Dynamic Content Management System; Transfer Management System; Inventory Management System; Higher Study Management System and e-Learning Management System. It covers all the 2,629 employees, 218 Head of Discipline and 72 Store In-Charge.

To manage a high number of infections caused to the livestock during artificial insemination, the Prani Sebee project was launched by the Department of Technical Education, Training & Skill Development, in 2016. It was also necessitated by the problem of recurrent breeding outside the desired schedule and standardised training in the state. By 2019, 4,832 applicants were trained under the scheme as a result of which, the artificial insemination service is now delivered at the doorstep. 63 vocational institutes in 18 districts are offering the training course. Livestock in the state is much healthier than before and has had a positive impact on milk production as well.

Mr. Subrata Das, Deputy Director, Industrial Training, Technical Education, Training and Skill Development, Government of West Bengal at SKOCH Star of Governance Award

State of Governance: Rohan Kochhar, SKOCH Development Foundation

Persentation: SKOCH Corp. by Dr. GursharanDhanjal, Voice Chairmen, SKOCH Group

Keynote: India Governance Forum: Mr. Sameer Kochhar, Chairmen SKOCH Group


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