SKOCH Star of Governance Award



SKOCH Star of Governance Award

Government of Odisha


Mrs. Anu Garg, Additional Chief Secretary, Water Resources, Government of Odisha

New Delhi, 18th June 2022

Mission Kakatiya is focused on repairing and restorine minor irrigation sources across the state. It consists of comprehensive coverage of 46,905 water bodies. It plans to restore about 9,000 water bodies annually to cover the entire state in five years. This application is extended from minor irrigation works to other structures like off-takes, and check dams within the Irrigation & Command Area Department successfully. Every tank is given a unique identification number for tracking and follow-up.

Mega Lift Irrigation Project was launched in 2011 to provide irrigation te farmers in upland areas by lifting water from the river.  So far, 208 mega lift schemes have

L to R: Sameer Kochhar, Chairman, SKOCH Group; Mrs. Anu Garg, Additional Chief Secretary, Water Resources, Government of Odisha

been implemented covering an area of 2.64 lakh ha grouped in 17 clusters. The project is benefiting about 7 lakh farmers that have increased the water availability to 10 percent, up from 50 percent earlier. By empowering the farmers to diversify into other crops this project has also made it possible to restore the ecological balance in these areas.

Community Lift Irrigation Project/Cluster Deep Bore Wells under the scheme Biju Krushak Vikash Yojana, is another example of the state’s sensitivity towards the needs of the farmers where the conventional flow irrigation approach was not feasible. In this project, high-pressure pipes were laid without impacting the land areas and are productivity. A dedicated electrical substation has also been set up to avoid low voltage and speedy supply for the smooth operation of energy-efficient pumps. Under the project, around 32,000 Community Lift Irrigation Projects have been installed and irrigation potential of 7.1 lakh ha approximately have been created, which has benefitted around 9.60 lakhs farmers with Paani Panchayat activities in all 30 districts in the State. Similarly, 86,800 numbers of Cluster Deep Bore Wells have been installed with an irrigation potential of about 5 lakh ha.

Mrs. Anu Garg, Additional Chief Secretary, Water Resources, Government of Odisha at SKOCH Star of Governance Award

State of Governance: Rohan Kochhar, SKOCH Development Foundation

Persentation: SKOCH Corp. by Dr. GursharanDhanjal, Voice Chairmen, SKOCH Group

Keynote: India Governance Forum: Mr. Sameer Kochhar, Chairmen SKOCH Group


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